04 February 2011

Resolution Check - Jan

Checking in on how I'm doing with my 2011 New Year's Resolutions. Here is my status report:
  • spend less time surfing Facebook - I'm doing surprisingly well with this resolution. It's not easy to go back and see how many posts or comments I made, so from now on in February I'll keep track on my own. I'm not missing Facebook at all.
  • pay of a significant chunk of my student loans - I recently finished reading Dave Ramsey's "The Total Money Makeover," and I think it was just perfect timing. I'm not going to go into the details of my finances, but I will say that I know a lot more about where my money goes, where it's going and my plan for attacking student debt this year. I am in a sticky spot right now with super ridiculous rent (because I had to renew my lease but wasn't sure how long I'd still be in Orlando), but I'm still working things from many angles. After May it'll be a lot better when my rent is back to something more normal.
  • run 525 miles by Saturday, 31 December 2011: January was pretty busy and I had a knee injury for a couple weeks, so it's no surprise I only ran 6 times in January. This month has an attitude when it comes to running; so far I've ran 3 times and it's only the 4th. I'm closer to my 525 miles by the end of the year; only 446.73 miles to go! I need to keep at 10 miles/week to hit my mark.
  • earn B or better in all my PSU master's courses (2 this semester, 1-2 over the summer, and another 1-2 in the fall): this is probably my most challenging resolution. I am feeling more confident about IST 552 (my hard class), and I'm doing okay in IST 411 (my Java class). I am several lectures behind, but I am mostly up on assignments. No grades for either class yet.
  • read the Bible (or at least several books; will be difficult with all the master's work): I haven't had time to do any reading for fun with all the master's homework. = ( This one isn't looking too good.
  • catch up and keep up with my scrapbook for Heidi (I'm behind by about 12 months, heh): I haven't work on this resolution much. In January I sat down and cleaned up my iPhoto. I created and stocked folders for my favorite photos of just Heidi and of Heidi and Ashes. I need to see what photos I already have printed, scrapbook those, then chose my next batch.

Hope you're reaching your goals this year, too!

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