19 November 2008

Our One Year Anniversary

I am very happy to share with you all that Adam and I celebrated our one year anniversary together on Saturday, 8 November, 2008. My life has never been better since having been with Adam. He is loving, caring, accepts me as I am, and makes me so happy. He is the love of my life!

On the 8th we spend a wonderful day together. We had no set-in-stone plans, and everything was great. We slept in and had Denny's for breakfast. I really enjoyed it when Adam took me to the new Indianapolis library (I'm a sucker for the books). Afterwards we had tea and did crosswords at a quaint, cathedral-like coffee shop called The Abbey. Then we exchanged gifts. I took the practical route and bought him an electric shaver (he was jealous of my mom's hair cutting kit = P ), and he was sweet when he bought me a hand-crafted chess set (although he inadvertently stole my idea of what to get him for Christmas, haha!) Next we visited Circle Center. After that we watched Elf (my favorite Christmas movie lately). To cap off the evening we dined at PF Chang's. The meal was excellent, and the Great Wall of Chocolate Cake was sinfully delicious!

What a beautiful celebration of our one year anniversary! I love you, Adam! XOXO

Outside the Indianapolis Public Library:

Architecture on the inside of the library:

The Abbey:

Inside The Abbey:

With the PF Chang Great Wall of Chocolate:

September & October Photos

Links to New Photos on Facebook:

October 2008 2/2

October 2008 1/2

September 2008 2/2

September 2008 1/2

05 November 2008

Obama Wins

I am proud of my blue vote. I am proud of my country for (what counts in my opinion as) recognizing the change we need to make. I believe Obama and Biden will lead this nation in the necessary direction. Congratulations, Obama and Biden, to you and your Electoral College win of 349 votes (against McCain and Palin's 147 votes). Below is a map of the voting breakdown.

Here is to making a difference and being a part of it!