21 June 2010

Heidi Update (Photos 1/3)

I know, I know. WAY behind with sharing photos and updates on Miss Heidi. Here is installment 1 of 3 for photos since April 2010, complete with captions. I'll try to get back on track with posting a weekly update on Heidi.

Heidi enjoying a peanut butter treat by the campfire while at Salamonie.

Grandpa and Heidi became best buddies!

Me and Heidi in the lake at Salamonie

Hanging out with Heidi at Sam's Open House

Heidi snoozing on the way from Orlando to Anderson. She was such a good travel companion!

Here she is awake and happy as a button!

Gracie, myself and Heidi at Heidi's 6-month birthday mark!

Heidi licking the spoon to the batter of her Puppy Cake

About to make my first Puppy Cake with Heidi!

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